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Raw: Nikkan Sports
English translation: ran (
Title:  Allen Kibum's sexy body is seen 

Photo caption: カレンダーのセクシーな写真の前でほほ笑むアレンキボム 





Photo caption: Allen Kibum, smiling in front of the sexy calendar picture

On the 29th at [Tokyo] metropolis, Allen Kibum (20), a Korean citizen and former member of Korean idol group U-KISS, opened the official 2012 calendar sale commemoration handshake event. The full-loaded photos were of various expressions, some showing an exposed taut chest of 'slim macho body' while some were taken wearing a necktie. The sale of the calendar in Japan has started.

While half a year ago he could not hold a conversation in Japanese, he can now do so fluently with the locals as a result of watching drama; [the use of] everyday Japanese helps to hasten the learning process. With the intention of proceeding on with a full-blown activity in Japan from now on, "Drama, movie, DJ, music composition...I want to do all of them. I want to be an 'all-round entertainer' in Japan," he said.

With a notable talking ability, "Actually, I am a funny person," he proclaimed to the press. "Comaneci!" he shouted, imitating Beat Takeshi. He is completely prepared to go for variety program, too. "Nowadays, I have even dreamt in Japanese. I was so surprised," he said, making the press laughed for the nth time. Allen Kibum, who was known from 2008 as 'Kibum' in U-KISS, was withdrawn in February this year.

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