Repost with FULL credit (copy paste the entire text, including this line)
Source: SANSPO (Sankei Sports)
English translation: ran (
Title: Allen Kibum, showing his sense of humor during the handshake event







Photo caption: Allen Kibum attending the commemoration handshake event for his first calendar release in Japan

Hallyu talent, Allen Kibum (20), on the 29th at Shibuya branch of Bunkyodo in Tokyo, held commemoration handshake event for his first calendar release in Japan.

Being withdrawn from Korean's 7 members-unit group U-KISS in February, Allen had stage performance in musical "Kizuna -Shounen yo, Daisho wo Idake!- (Bond -Boys, be Ambitious!-)" recently in late October. He will start his full scale solo activity in Japan.

For the calendar, he challenged the pose of slim macho chest clad in bathrobe. "The sexy impression (left by the pictures)is embarrassing," he said in Japanese with a shy smile. 

Regarding his goal, "Singing, acting and the like; I want to be an all-round entertainer," he declared. Showing off an imitation of talent Beat Takeshi (64), he, too had ambition for variety program. 

I'm not going to translate this. This is just an excerpt of yesterday's article by the same source.

Source: Nikkan Sports
Title: Allen Kibum, picture of slim, macho, sexy [body]



[2011年10月30日9時38分 紙面から]

Repost with FULL credit (copy paste the entire text, including this line)
Raw: Nikkan Sports
English translation: ran (
Title:  Allen Kibum's sexy body is seen 

Photo caption: カレンダーのセクシーな写真の前でほほ笑むアレンキボム 





Photo caption: Allen Kibum, smiling in front of the sexy calendar picture

On the 29th at [Tokyo] metropolis, Allen Kibum (20), a Korean citizen and former member of Korean idol group U-KISS, opened the official 2012 calendar sale commemoration handshake event. The full-loaded photos were of various expressions, some showing an exposed taut chest of 'slim macho body' while some were taken wearing a necktie. The sale of the calendar in Japan has started.

While half a year ago he could not hold a conversation in Japanese, he can now do so fluently with the locals as a result of watching drama; [the use of] everyday Japanese helps to hasten the learning process. With the intention of proceeding on with a full-blown activity in Japan from now on, "Drama, movie, DJ, music composition...I want to do all of them. I want to be an 'all-round entertainer' in Japan," he said.

With a notable talking ability, "Actually, I am a funny person," he proclaimed to the press. "Comaneci!" he shouted, imitating Beat Takeshi. He is completely prepared to go for variety program, too. "Nowadays, I have even dreamt in Japanese. I was so surprised," he said, making the press laughed for the nth time. Allen Kibum, who was known from 2008 as 'Kibum' in U-KISS, was withdrawn in February this year.

This is another article of similar nature by Newsen. There are 2 more by NTN & TV Daily but they are all repetitive so I won't post them. 
유키스 전(前) 멤버였던 기범이 일본에서 알렌(Allen)이라는 이름으로 본격적인 일본 활동을 시작한다. 

알렌(기범)은 오는 9월 10일 일본 최남단에 위치한 가고시마(鹿兒島) 사쿠라지마 야외무대에서 펼쳐지는 ‘K팝 뮤직 페스티벌 2011 인 가고시마’(K-POP Music Festival 2011 in Kagoshima)에서 MC로 서며 일본팬들과 만나는 것으로 첫번째 활동을 시작한다. 이날 행사에는 비스트, 대국남아, 인피니트, 박현빈, X-5, 소리, 한그루 등이 출연한다.

특히 알렌(기범)은 이번 K팝 페스티벌 행사에서 그동안 열심히 갈고 닦은 일본어 실력을 유감없이 발휘 할 예정이다. 

알렌(기범)은 “오랜만에 일본에서 팬들과 만날 수 있어서 너무 설레고 기대가 된다”고 기대를 드러냈다. 이어 “한국에서는 MC를 한 경험이 있지만 일본에서, 특히 K팝 페스티벌 MC를 맡게 돼 그 어느 때보다 잘 해야겠다는 마음이 크다”며 “일본어로 진행을 해야 하기 때문에 부담도 되지만 실수를 하지 않으려고 열심히 준비하고 있다”고 각오를 밝혔다.

이 MC 활동을 기점으로 그동안 사용하던 기범이라는 이름이 아닌, 알렌(Allen)이라는 이름으로 활동을 할 예정이다. 알렌(기범)은 “영어 이름이 Allen Kim 이었기 때문에 있는 그대로의 모습을 더욱 보여드리자는 생각으로 활동 이름을 직접 바꾸게 됐다”며 “새 이름이 생긴 만큼 새로운 마음가짐으로 열심히 활동할 생각이다”고 앞으로 활동에 대한 기대와 자신감을 드러냈다.

알렌(기범)은 오는 10월 20일부터 25일까지 일본 신국립극장에서 열리는 뮤지컬 ‘키즈나’ 주연 배우로 캐스팅 돼 한국과 일본을 오가며 뮤지컬 공연 준비에도 박차를 가할 예정이다.

[뉴스엔 김종효 기자]

김종효 기자 phenomdark@

기사제보 및 보도자료 [email protected]
copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

Original source: TV REPORT

Translation: Allkpop

[TV리포트 권혁기 기자] 유키스 출신 가수 기범이 일본에서 알렌(Allen)이라는 이름으로 본격적인 활동을 시작한다.

기범은 오는 10일 일본 최남단에 위치한 가고시마 사쿠라지마 야외무대에서 'K-POP Music Festival 2011 in Kagoshima'의(비스트, 대국남아, 인피니트, 박현빈, X-5, 소리, 한그루 출연) MC로 일본팬들과 처음으로 만난다.

특히 기범은 이번 K-POP Festival에서 그 동안 열심히 갈고 닦은 일본어 실력을 유감없이 발휘 할 예정이다. 기범은 "오랜만에 일본에서 팬들과 만날 수 있어서 설레고 기대 된다. 한국에서는 MC를 한 경험이 있지만 일본에서, 특히나 k-pop 페스티벌의 MC를 맡게 되어서 그 어느 때보다 잘 해야겠다는 마음이 크다. 일본어로 진행을 해야 하기 때문에 부담도 되지만 실수를 하지 않으려고 열심히 준비하고 있다"고 MC를 맡은 소감과 각오를 함께 밝혔다.

기범은 일본 활동을 시작으로 그 동안 사용하던 이름이 아닌 알렌이라는 이름으로 활동을 한다. 그는 "영어 이름이 Allen Kim 이었기 때문에 있는 그대로의 모습을 더욱 보여드리자는 생각으로 활동 이름을 직접 바꾸게 됐다. 새 이름이 생긴 만큼 새로운 마음가짐으로 열심히 활동할 생각이다"고 말했다.

한편 알렌은 내달 20일부터 25일까지 일본 신국립극장에서 열리는 뮤지컬 '키즈나'의 주연 배우로 캐스팅 돼 한국과 일본을 오가며 뮤지컬 공연 준비에 바쁜 나날을 보내고 있다.


Former U-KISS member Kim Kibum has revealed that he’ll be starting solo promotions in Japan under the new name, ‘Allen‘.

On September 10th, Kibum will be greeting his Japanese fans for the first time at the ‘K-Pop Music Festival 2011 in Kagoshima‘ as an MC for the concert. He’s planning to show off his Japanese language skills, which he’s been honing for some time now.

Kibum stated, “I’m excited and looking forward to meeting my fans in Japan. I have experience MCing in Korea but it’s my first time for a K-Pop festival in Japan, so I’m determined to do well. There’s a bit of pressure since I have to speak Japanese, but I’ll be working hard to make sure I don’t make any mistakes.”

He continued, “My English name was ‘Allen Kim’ so I changed my stage name to simply show who I am. I’m using this name change as an opportunity to start anew.”

Kibum is currently spending busy days traveling back and forth between Korea and Japan for his musical, ‘Kizuna‘.

Repost with FULL credit (copy paste the entire text, including this line)
Source:  Tashiro Chikayo (田代親世) 
English translation: ran (
Title:  Lunch with Allen (Kibum) 


「おかあさん、何でそんなことここで言うの? 親バカだよ」

「PIRO PIRO(ピロピロ)」(疲労疲労)という目の下にクマのあるキャラクターがユニークなので、

『絆 少年よ大紙を抱け』に出演が決定したそうです。


また、この舞台の前に、9月10日(土)に「K-POP MUSIC FESTIVAL in KAGOSHIMA」にMCで出演する事が決定しているそうです。




Former member of U-KISS, Kibum.

During his visit to Japan that coincided with his brother, Kim Hyungjoon (Maknae)'s, summer concert, I got the chance to interview him; I would use this blog to write a report on the interview.

*squeal* The real person was several time more good looking than the picture, wasn't he! Last year I did some report on U-KISS press conference and fan events, however, because there are several members, I could not recognize each and everyone of them; hence, the focus this time is to have a look at him seriously. Again, I felt like he was the kind of person whose presence filled the air with glittering aura of a flower. When he smiled, his eyes were elegantly shaped like crescent moon, making him look so cute. He was enveloped in gentleness that he made the place felt peaceful.

Kibum was such tactful person; as my meal came later than his, "Somehow it feels lonely, yes?" he said and all along worried about it. He was the kind of person who could make conversation fun with his quick mind and witty sense of humor. Keeping his eyes on various things, he was full of wit; as such he had the quality of an MC. And the best thing was, his merit in Japanese was astounding! He self-learnt it by watching Japanese TV programs and the like, and yet he had improved to this level........... Even the said person's answers became better as the conversation went on, too; he became more fluent.

Having lived in Australia during his kindergarten years for 3 years, he seemed to understand English as well, implying that he had a good sense with regards to language study.

His mother who tagged along said "Even during school time, he was always the best in class." Because of this, Kibum was embarrased, "Mom, why are you saying such things here? You are too doting." It was such a heartwarming conversation between mother and son*laugh* I got it. Like this, if I had such a good son, I would also want to brag about him.

Kibum's mother, too, was a model in some commercial (CM) when she was young. With such big and pretty eyes, she was a lovely person.

Kibum and his brother, Hyungjoon, established a character business "PIRO PIRO". The said character which resembled a bear had unique mark under its eyes. When asked about since when he got interested with such thing, he said he liked such characters since he was young. At the age of 17, he by himself applied for a company license and began to construct the character. This should be about 16, when corrected to Japanese age. To conceptualize about 'establishing a company' at such age alone indicated that he was not an ordinary person. On that day, on the business card that I received, it had 'CEO' written on the title. 

During business time, he seemed to be doing negotiations with people who were older than him, all by himself; his expression at that point of conversation was so manly. He was thoroughly a young businessman.

That Kibum, he had decided on a management company in Japan. From now on, he wanted to pursue his talent activity in Japan with full of energy. Going by stage name 'Allen (Kibum)', he already had several schedules planned.

And then, it was decided that he would take part in a musical which portrays the figure of youths filled with burning desire "Kizuna - Shounen yo Daisho wo Idake" (Bond - Boys be Ambitious!) on October 20 to 25 this year, taking place at New National Theatre, Tokyo. SS501 Park Jungmin's graduation from the same musical in November last year had created such a topic. In the newly arranged stage play, Allen (Kibum) was selected for a key role, one of the handsome guys in S5. This time, during his visit to Japan, he was introduced to his co-actors. It was his first time to challenge a musical in itself, hence he felt nervous.

※Musical "Kizuna 2011 - Shounen yo Daisho wo Idake-" (Bond 2011 - Boys be Ambitious!-)

Besides, prior to this stage play, it was decided that he would have a stage appearance as MC on September 10 (Saturday) at "K-POP MUSIC FESTIVAL in KAGOSHIMA". This emceeing would be his first shot for solo activity in Japan.

Yet to reach 20, he is a very reliable and somewhat busy youth, right? The activities, from now onwards, will be fun!

※Allen (Kibum)'s official blog (in Japanese)
Repost with FULL credit (copy paste the entire text, including this line)
Source: Nikkan Sports
English translation: ran (
Title:  Withdrawn from U-KISS, Kibum is now active as 'Allen'

韓国のアイドルグループU-KISSで活躍し、その後脱退したキボム(20)が、アレンの名でソロになり日本で再始動することが26日、分かった。10月には舞台「絆2011 少年よ大紙を抱け!」で本格俳優デビューする。それに先立ち、9月には音楽イベントで司会(MC)デビューするなど、マルチに活動する予定だ。アレンは「日本で俳優、歌手、MC、作曲…といろいろなことをしたい。『万能エンターテイナー』として活躍していきたい」と目を輝かせた。


アイドル時代につちかった歌やダンスは得意。日本語だけでなく英語も堪能だ。アレンとして、10月20日から始まる舞台「絆2011 少年よ大紙を抱け!」で初のミュージカルに挑み、本格俳優デビューする。メーン役の1人としてイケメン高校生役を演じる。


舞台前の9月10日には鹿児島で開かれる「K-POP MUSIC FESTIVAL 2011 in KAGOSHIMA」で司会デビューも飾る。アレンが目指すのは何でもできる「万能エンターテイナー」だ。「俳優、歌手、MC、作曲…いろんなことを日本でしたい。やりたいことは絶対やります。万能エンターテイナー、できます!」と笑顔で前を見つめた。




◆アレン 本名キム・キボム。1990年12月29日、韓国生まれ。07年から韓国のグループ、XINGのメンバーとして活動。08年からU-KISSで「キボム」としてボーカル、ラップを担当し人気に。今年2月脱退。特技は作曲、ピアノ、日本語、英語など。身長179センチ、体重65キロ。

Originally being active in Korean idol group U-KISS and then withdrawn, it was made known on 26th that Kibum (20) will go solo and restart his solo activity in Japan with name ‘Allen’. In October, he will debut as professional actor in a stage play ‘Kizuna 2011 Shounen yo Daisho wo Idake!’ (Bond 2011 Boys be Ambitious!) . Also, with regards to his debut as moderator (MC) in a music event earlier in September, he has plans for multiple activity. “Actor in Japan, singer, MC, composer…and various other things are what I want to do. I hope to work as an “all-rounded entertainer” Allen said with his eyes twinkling.

 Allen, whose real name is Kibum, was active in Korean idol group U-KISS till he was withdrawn in February this year. Hereafter, he will restart solo activity as Allen in Japan.

 During his idol era, he was trained in singing and dancing. He is fluent not only in Japanese, but also English. As Allen, starting from October 20 he will start anew, to debut as professional actor, challenging a stage play ‘Kizuna 2011 Seishun yo Daisho wo Idake!’ (Bond 2011 Boys be Ambitious!). He will play the part of a handsome senior high school student, one of the main roles .

Posing in hakama just like the role he is gonna play as, "It feels so good~. The feeling of becoming cool. I feel like I'm getting closer to Japan," Allen happily declared. "Even though (being in a) musical and (becoming an) actor are both my first time, I want to show my real self. About the increase in the number of colleagues , it was a pleasure to co-star with Japanese actors," showing his enthusiasm.

 Before the stage play, on September 10 in Kagoshima he will open 'K-POP MUSIC FESTIVAL 2011 in KAGOSHIMA', marking his MC debut. Allen's aim is to be able to do anything, an 'all-rounded entertainer'. "Actor, singer, MC, composer, ...  and various other things that I want to do in Japan. When I say I want to do something, I will absolutely do it. I will become an 'all-rounded entertainer'" he said with a smile and while looking intently.

 About being able to quickly absorb the street-style (slang) Japanese learnt from watching drama, movie and anime, and proactively conversing with Japanese people, "Because it is fun (method of learning), I can memorize it."

 His older brother is Kim Hyungjoon (popular as 'Maknae'), a member of popular Korean group SS501. After being withdrawn from U-KISS, Allen, together with his brother, established a character company, showing the extent of their closeness. Allen said "Brother always worries about me, he is a gentleman. Someday, we will work (collaborate) on an album as siblings, wanting to do it together," talking about his dream.

 About the fans in Japan, "In order to understand the Japanese fully, the heart and the mind, I will learn all about Japanese language and Japanese culture; that being the case, I'll be happy if everyone, too, will know me better." he sent his message.

◆ Allen, real name Kibum. Born in Korea, December 29, 1990. Actived in 2007 as a member of Korean group XING. Actived in U-KISS as 'Kibum' from 2008, famous to be in charge of vocal and rap. Withdrawn on February this year. Special skills are composing, piano, Japanese, English. Height 179 cm, weight 65 kg.
Repost with FULL credit (copy paste the entire text, including this line)
Source: Nikkan Sports
English translation: ran (
Title:  Kibum restarting in Japan with name changed to 'Allen'

韓国のアイドルグループU-KISSで活躍し、その後脱退したキボム(20)が、アレンの名でソロになり日本で再始動することが26日、分かった。10月には舞台「絆2011 少年よ大紙を抱け ! 」で本格俳優デビューする。それに先立ち、9月には音楽イベントで司会(MC)デビューするなど、マルチに活動する予定だ。アレンは「日本で俳優、歌手、MC、作曲…といろいろなことをしたい。『万能エンターテイナー』として活躍していきたい」と目を輝かせた。

Originally being active in Korean idol group U-KISS and then withdrawn, it was made known on 26th that Kibum (20) will go solo and restart his solo activity in Japan with name 'Allen'. In October, he will debut as professional actor in a stage play 'Kizuna 2011 Shounen yo Daisho wo Idake!' (Bond 2011 Boys be Ambitious!) . Also, with regards to his debut as moderator (MC) in a music event earlier in September, he has plans for multiple activity. "Actor in Japan, singer, MC, composer... and various other things, are what I want to do. I hope to work as an "all-rounded entertainer" Allen said with his eyes twinkling.
Cr: NTN 
[서울신문NTN 김정우 인턴기자] 사업가로 변신한 그룹 유키스(U-kiss) 출신 김기범이 케이블채널 GTV ‘드림메이커’의 MC로 합류한다.

김기범은 자신의 형인 그룹 SS501 출신 가수 김형준과 함께 캐릭터 회사 HnB
Company를 설립, '피로피로'를 런칭하며 성공적인 행보를 이어가는 중이다.

그가 MC로 활약하게 될 ‘드림메이커’는 출연자들에게 원하는 분야에서의 지속적인 직업 교육 기회 제공과 전문가 멘토의 적극적 지원 등 꿈을 이루기 위해 필요한 모든 것들을 제공하는 프로그램이다.

'드림메이커'는 지난 7월 26일 최종 5인을 선발하였으며 김기범 외에도 레이디제인, 뮤지컬 배우 김호영, 개그우먼 곽현화, 모델 구본형, 개그맨 문천식이 MC로 활약할 예정이다.

꿈을 이루고 싶은 청년들을 위한 무한 스펙 업그레이드 프로젝트 ‘드림메이커’는 8월 17일 수요일 밤 10시30분에 첫 방송된다.

사진= HnB Company

김정우 인턴기자 [email protected]

The article is just about Kibum as part of the GTV Dream Maker team. 

Cr: Newswave

아이돌에서 남자의 향기 가득 몰고 성공한 사업가로 돌아온 김기범이 GTV '드림메이커'의 드림플래너로 합류해 화제다. 
현재 회사 HnB Company를 설립하고 '피로피로'를 론칭, 젊은 CEO로 변신한 김기범은 국내는 물론, 외국 기업까지 섭렵하며 가수와 사업가 두 마리 토끼를 모두 잡은 실속파 플래너이다. 
GTV '드림메이커'는 외모 업그레이드는 기본! 원하는 분야에서의 지속적인 직업 교육 기회 제공과, 전문가 멘토의 적극적 지원 등 꿈을 이루기 위해 필요한 모든 것들을 제공하는 프로그램으로, 현재 최종 참가자 선발을 앞두고 있다.
이 외에도 홍대 여신 ‘레이디제인’, 톱 뮤지컬 배우 ‘김호영’, 수학의 여신 개그우먼 ‘곽현화’, 포맨의 '못해' 뮤직비디오 주인공으로 화제가 됐던 톱모델 ‘구본형’, 개그맨 ‘문천식’이 '드림메이커'의 드림플래너로 활약할 예정이다. 이들은 참가자들과 1대 1로 짝을 지어 멘토와의 만남을 주선하고, 전체적인 스케줄을 관리하며 아낌없는 응원을 펼칠 예정이다. 
드림메이커는 26일 최종 5人을 선발하였으며 드림플래너 김기범이 선택한 드림 멘티는 과연 누가 될 것인가에 기대가 모아지고 있다.

꿈을 이루고 싶은 청년들을 위한 무한 스펙 업그레이드 프로젝트 GTV '드림메이커'는 8월 17일 수요일 밤 10시30분에 첫 방송 될 예정이다.
기사 제보 및 보도자료 (뉴스웨이브) [email protected] 

